Lucas and Maira (ADIANTES)

Today's Explorers

Lucas and Maira (ADIANTES)

May 12, 2023
min read
Charles Forman

Where are you from?


When did you start your interest in exploration?


What is a brief understanding of your background story up until you started seeking adventure?

We got married in December/2018 and one year later we've decided to travel abroad in Southeast Asia and South Africa by plane. It made our passion for travelling the world even bigger and it was definitely “the final push” for us to create our own project to discover South American by car.

What special skills do you have to help with your explorations?

No previous special skills! Maíra is a veterinarian and Lucas is an agronomist. Our dream gave us enough energy to make it possible.  

Where have you explored so far?

Brazil: 24 different national states for 17 months (around 1,5 year)

Argentina: 11 different national states for 4 months

Chile: 3 different national states for 15 days

What is a brief understanding of your adventures so far?

There were more than 500 days exploring the national territory from North to South, promoting some destinations even unknown by many, and inspiring people to get to know their own country.

We traveled 24 BRAZILIAN STATES, and explored practically impassable roads to reach, with our own house, the extremes of Brazil.

With the opening of terrestrial borders, in December 2021, we crossed our first South American border towards Argentina, and since then we have been discovering the most incredible landscapes of the neighboring countries.

Chile is our brand new adventure with great wild landscapes such as Torres Del Paine National Park, Carretera Austral, Volcano Villarrica and Osorno.

What are the top three destinations you hope to explore next, and why?

"Atacama Desert" in Chile, "Salar de Uyuni" in Bolivia and "The Sacred Valley of the Incas" in Peru to keep discovering the most incredible landscapes and ancient communities in South America.

Where would you recommend others visit?

Brazil: Amazon forest, São Francisco River (almost 3000 km long) and Lençóis Maranhenses

Argentina: El Chaltén, Ushuaia and San Martin de Los Andes

Chile: Torres del Paine and Villa O'Higgins

How do you primarily travel on your adventures today?

Car: Land Rover Defender 110 4x4 Full

Year: 2004

Main modifications: Roof tent, refrigerator and solar panels

What are five pieces of equipment you always travel with?

Heather or Ventilator, Trekking Boots, Grill, WD40 and Camera with proper lens.

What inspires you to explore more?

Interesting people with unbelievable stories, breathtaking landscapes and self-understanding.

How do you engage with others?

Social media, website, blog and frequent group gathering in the road.

Why is it important to embrace global cultures?

New ideas, perspectives, knowledge, possibilities to change your mind and literally expand your world.

What are your goals when you explore?

Get together with the unknown in remote places, feel fear in a good way (uncertain routine), feel better and happier with all those experiences.

What are some challenges you have experienced?

Broken car, extreme cold weather, making important decisions together everyday, adapting to a completely new lifestyle.

What has been your most meaningful moment so far?

Every moment that you see the clear evidence that you have reached your goal, like when we arrived at the final kilometer of "São Francisco River circuit" in Brazil or "Carretera Austral '' in Chile. The vision we had in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile and El Chaltén mountains in Argentina were very meaningful as well, we felt really close to our ancient nature.

How has exploration changed you?

It changes our way of seeing everything and nobody can take it out from you after that. Knowledge of yourself, society, nature and processes. Exploration can provide this kind of useful and life-changing information.

What is the number one lesson that you have learnt through your exploration?

To always have plan A, B and C. Things can change pretty quickly and you need to be prepared.

How do you explore locally?

We like the countryside at the same time that we enjoy museums and live shows. It's a good way to explore places and people and pretty easy to do on a daily basis.

What does the explmore mantra mean to you?

Inspiration, examples, opportunity to get together with global projects and learn from different perspectives, vehicles and experiences.

What advice would you give to others who are seeking life changing adventure?

Think about how fear can make you understand things better, uncertain days are pretty cool sometimes, new experiences are a very effective way to expand your ideas, your knowledge and, in the end, your whole world.

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Today's explorers

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