Providing access to fresh water


Providing access to fresh water

December 7, 2023
min read
Charles Forman
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It's a given that water is an essential resource for all human beings, however it is not a given that all humans have access to clean drinkable water. That's why for each purchase you make from our shop, you'll be helping to fund vital water well projects across West Africa.

In 1989 my father, Alec Forman, bought a book titled "How to dig a well" after he volunteered to head up a new water well digging program in West Africa. As we enter 2024 it will be thirty five years later and over one hundred and seventy five wells completed, providing fresh water to many village communities in West Africa.

Each well begins with a consultation with village elders, before an appropriate location is decided. Then using a simple string and markers the diameter of the well is marked out in the dirt.

Over a six week daily process the well is hand dug (with the exception of dynamite for hard rock, which is really fun to watch) to the depth required, before being lined with reinforced cement cylinders.

Cement cylinders line the inside of the well

Cement components made on site

Looking down the well hole

To keep dust and more importantly children from falling into the well, a cement cap is placed on the well opening with swing out door for access.

Placing the cement cap with door to the well opening

After the completion of the well, the community come together to celebrate this new life line. Today the program continues with a local team of Malian nationals and continues into the future.

The completed well is marked with the date
Celebrations follow the completion of the well
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